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Why PaxForex

The Most Reliable Platform
One of the most advanced trading platform. MetaTrader 4 is the ultimate trading tool and traders across the globe rely on it each day for all their trading needs.Learn more

Fast Execution
Our IT Infrastructures has been deployed within industry leading datacenters in London (Equinix LD4) and New York (Equinix NY4) thus connecting our servers to those of the Major Exchanges and Liquidity Providers via fibre optic cables to bypass the Internet congestion.Try yourself

Low Spreads
Our electronic pricing engine allows us price updating every currency pair three times per second, and thanks to this our prices reflect the current global forex market levels.Our Spreads

High Leverage
Leverage is essentially the borrowing of capital to increase your returns of investment. In the forex industry, a forex broker can «lend» capital to a trader, allowing the trader to open a much larger position, just as if they had a much larger trading account than they actually do.About Leverage

Fast Deposit/Withdraw
Our Accounting and Support Team working hard to guarantee our clients fast deposit and withdrawal speed. We proceed 90% of all our deposits within 7 min and for 75% of our withdrawals, it takes less than 30 min to reach the client's account.How Fast

Zero Commission on Deposit
PaxForex broker does not apply any deposit fees, all fees are made by card processor or by electronic payment systems. PaxForex recovers all fees for deposits of $300 or above (except for a Bank transfer).Get started
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没有比PaxForex更好的在线外汇交易商,PaxForex相信成功来源于客户自身的经验和客户服务,PaxForex为所有用户提供了一个与所有外 汇交易者一起交易的机会,用户可以先参加外汇竞赛,竞赛账户有初始资金,可以利用这个机会来赢得大奖,然后投资到真实的交易账户中。
我们的目标是帮助像您一样真正的外汇交易者们,帮助您在汇市中盈利。PaxForex不断的为我们的用户们举办外汇交易竞赛,您可以先开设模拟账户,无风 险的练习,然后参加竞赛赢得大奖,我们会将资金存入你的真实账户,并赚取真金实银的利润。任何外汇交易者都应该认识到立刻注册PaxForex是一个永不 会后悔的选择。
我们的目标是帮助像您一样真正的外汇交易者们,帮助您在汇市中盈利。PaxForex不断的为我们的用户们举办外汇交易竞赛,您可以先开设模拟账户,无风 险的练习,然后参加竞赛赢得大奖,我们会将资金存入你的真实账户,并赚取真金实银的利润。任何外汇交易者都应该认识到立刻注册PaxForex是一个永不 会后悔的选择。
在PaxForex我们的目标是,提供给客户一个交易外汇的手段,PaxForex使用世界领先的在线交易技术,以及世界各地的金融资讯和新闻等。今天, 我们的外汇服务在全世界被广泛使用,从东京到旧金山,包括外汇专家和交易新手。只需开设一个账户,您就能交易外汇、CFD,以及期货和其它商品市场交易 等。
在PaxForex使用的外汇交易平台是metatrader4交易平台,它是众所周知的先进平台,为客户提供一系列的服务。与其它的外汇平台不 同,PaxForex为所有新注册的用户都提供了免费的奖金,无需担心任何限制,并且提供了从1:1到1:500的杠杆,所有的交易和过程都明了简单,我 们所做的一切都是为了您更好的交易,我们的交易者们。
众所周知,我们每天都会为客户提供汇市中的新闻和资讯,我们非常欢迎您 现在就加入PaxForex,来感受与我们不一样的交易。